Danielle Zirkelbach was born in New Haven, Connecticut and traveled with her father and older brother across the East Coast of the US until they made Florida home. She spent most of her life in Flagler Beach, and St. Augustine Beach where she discovered a deep, unexplainable love for the ocean.
When Danielle found this love, it changed her life and she always knew that one day, her world would revolve entirely around the ocean. Danielle was the lieutenant of the Flagler Beach Lifeguards for four years and worked with several rescue jobs for the city, including teaching children CPR, beach clean up awareness, and ocean development skills. Even before college, Danielle’s dream was to one day call Hawaii home. In 2000 Danielle attended Florida Southern College on a full scholarship to play soccer as well as winning a unique Scholarship from University of Women. She majored in Science for the first year of attendance, then in her second year, she followed a higher interest in the intensive Art/Graphis Design Program at FSC, home of Frank Lloyd Wright, which is one of the best art schools in the state. Danielle finished her Science Degree and Fine Art Degree. In 2004 she graduated with honors as a Bachelor of Science and Minor of Fine Arts. In addition to her scholastic honors, Danielle set several athletic honors and records in FSC Soccer History that still stand in her name. After college she was given opportunity to further her Soccer career, however, Danielle’s love for the ocean left her eager to get back to it. Even as most of her fellow colleagues urged her not to give up on her Soccer Career, Danielle knew that living with out the ocean was hurting her and ignoring the biggest part of her being. Taking a huge risk, following her passion regardless of negative opinions, Danielle picked up her paint brush, bought a surf board and started in on her journey to make her big dreams, of living on a beach in Hawaii, being a full time artist, and surfing everyday come true.
After college, Danielle worked for several design companies such as Addison Fitzgerald Studios, Eastern Surf Magazine, and freelance Designer for several surf cultured companies. Working with Eastern Surf Magazine, Danielle became obsessed with surfing and the thought of being completely immersed in surf culture was a must. She then was in pursuit of finding waves at any cost. It was no longer a hobby. Danielle knew that no matter how crazy it seemed, she would go after surfing and art with every fiber or her. With several year of professional design experience, Danielle’s love of painting surpassed her love to do graphic design. This led her to explore more of her art career while doing all her own marketing and taking it to another level. Danielle was working two jobs and waiting tables, just to have enough money to buy the cheapest paint/brushes, used canvases from garage sales, old surfboards, and paying bills as a bridge to her dreams. She realized quickly how dependent on surfing she became for her vision in art. The two became a marriage creating what Danielle describes as her “Simple Abundance”. They are the combination of working with that little she had, to make something bigger with strong determination and love of the talent she was given. Taking the given gift and developing, nourishing, and caring for the dreams ahead.
Danielle is also a competitive surfer. In her first years of surfing she quickly won most of the Eastern Surfing Association contests in St. Augustine Beach and established fifth over all at the Easterns. She has also finished in the top three on pro/am contests around the east coast. Danielle lives to paint, surf, and dream. She currently, lives on the Big Island of Hawaii as an artist and enjoying some of the world most beautiful waves. She surrounds herself with everything about the ocean, positive living, and hard work. Everything she makes, is “Made With Love”.